Thursday, July 14, 2011

Traditional news media, has begun to crumble

Actually, I think it has started to crumble some time ago, but it wasn't as noticeable until now. The news of CTV Quebec City Bureau Chief Kai Nagata quitting his job, and his making public his reasons for doing so, has really only helped shine a spotlight on the problem.

Robin Rowland wrote a good blog post about this here.

It's worth noting, the handfulof conservative bloggers who regularly denounce news media such as CTV, are predictably quiet about this.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Toronto Mayor Ford snubbing massive community

Over 1 million people expected at Sunday's Pride parade

I still find it astounding that Ford would so blatantly give the 'fuck you' to such a huge community and probably one of the largest events in the city of Toronto. If you can't put aside your differences and support such a large Toronto community, then I really think Ford should step aside and let someone competent to represent the citizens of this city.